We Buy DeLorean's

We purchase DeLoreans in any condition and are continually seeking candidates for our build programs. While most are interested in the “good” exclusively for a quick flip, we search out the truly “ugly” and neglected examples. Due to our expansive manufacturing capacity, we only require a GRP body tub and VIN plates, which constitute a car for our program.

In twenty-one years, Joshua Bengston and DeLorean Industries have purchased more donor cars than all other efforts combined. This resulted in a triple-digit inventory of build car candidate GRP body and VIN plate inventory, serving as a foundation for our build efforts.

Getting in touch with us regarding the details on what you have is as easy as sending an email with a few key questions answered.

Contact us at sales@deloreanindustries.com and include the following information:

__ Vehicle Location

__ Title Status ( Clean Held, Bill of Sale Only, Probate/Estate Process etc.)

__VIN Number

__ Last known time the car was registered and roadworthy.

__ Transmission (Manual/Automatic)

__ Interior Color

__ Mileage (If known, accurate or discrepancy)

__ Pictures of the current location and condition of the vehicle.