1. Braided Stainless Fuel Injection Line Full Set

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DeLorean Industries offers the only braided fuel injection line kit manufactured in the United States.

Included Items

___ All 13 lines to replace the entire engine compartment system from fuel filter outlet to fuel return hard line

___ All copper washers required for engine compartment line replacement

___ Fuel injection hose jumper 1/4 high pressure line and clamps for frequency valve outlet

___ frequency valve mounting clamp and stainless hardware 

___ M12 banjo bolts for fuel feed line connection at filter and fuel distributor


Delorean Industries Braided stainless fuel injection line kit. Includes all 13 lines located from fuel filter to distributor/injectors. Includes adjustable feed line, feed line bracket and feed line lower banjo fitting. Used by Delorean Industries during all service and restoration operations. Ensuring the highest quality and fitment possible. DI line kits are the only direct fit replacements available on the market today. Not only using the highest quality components possible but pressure testing per DOT specifications as well.. Hand crimped lines are identifiable by looking at the hose hose end at the banjo fitting. The crimp can be identified by having two uneven tabs sticking off 180 degrees apart. This is also referred to as a "butterfly crimp". If your vehicle is equipped with factory plastic lines or this home made style replacement should be considered immediately. Braided lines with stock banjo fittings reused are prone to failure. We strongly suggest against installing only a partial kit. This creates weak points in the system prone to failure. In most cases simply touching the factory lines can result in a failure. Any elasticity in the factory material is gone with the lines being significantly past their intended service life. 


DeLorean Industries line kits use 100% new components ensuring no issues with installation or performance. Our banjo fittings also offer complete orientation giving the installer the ability to "tuck" the lines for a perfect cosmetic install. For questions on installing as pictured please contact us directly for clarity on process.







___ Prior to starting the replacement of any fuel related components the battery circuit must be isolated. Disconnect both terminals from the battery. (For further details on this process reference the factory workshop manual.) 

 The Delorean Industries braided fuel injection line kit is a total solution for the failure prone factory K jet line sections. Under no circumstances should anything less than the complete update be performed. Failure to do so will result in serious injury and most likely death.



 ___Cold start valve line- This is the shortest -3 line provided in the kit. Both ends have 8mm banjo fittings.

 ___Fuel feed line- This is the largest -6 line provided. One end has a fixed banjo while the other end has a removal banjo for line orientation.

 ___ Fuel return line- This line includes a fixed banjo at one end with a custom metric adapter to connect to the fuel return hard line on the right side of the frame.

 ___ Frequency valve return line- This line is the shortest of the -6 lines provided and has a fixed banjo at one end with a barb fitting on the other end.

 ___Frequency valve feed line- This line has a fixed 8mm banjo fitting on one end with a 180 degree fitting on the second end. A custom fitting to adapt to the unique frequency valve line is also provided. NOTE: the frequency valve line nut does not require excessive torque to seal. Over torquing with crack the nut rendering the frequency valve useless.

 ___ Warm up regulator line A- This line has a 10mm banjo fitting on one end with a 8mm on the other end. This the only line like this in the kit.

 ___ Warm up regulator line B- This is the longest of the -3 lines provided in the kit.

 ___ Injector lines- these six lines are in almost equal length pairs of two. Six lines total. With the off set of the cylinder banks it is crucial to notice which cylinders sit further back than others. By doing so you can properly place the length of the lines for the left and right banks of the PRV engine.

___ Crush washers- a complete set of crush washers is also provided with the kit. NOTE: failure to replace these and using old out of tolerance crush washers will result in death.

 ___ m12 banjo bolt- two banjo bolts are included in the kit for the fuel feed line. These must be used as the factory 12mm banjo fitting at the fuel filter is too long for the updated low profile m12 fixed end of the fuel feed line. Failure to install the proper banjo bolt will result in serious injury or death.


For detailed information on proper orientation and tucking of the injector lines reference pictures on product page at deloreanindustries.com


 All torque specifications as written by the factory must be followed to prevent serious injury or death. (For further details on this process reference the factory workshop manual.)

Prior to starting your PRV for the first time after installing the Delorean Industries braided fuel injection line update kit the system must be primed via a jumper on the RPM relay circuit. This is the verify that no leaks are present under pump supplied line pressure. Failure to do so will result in. Eh the same thing we have said many times above. 








10 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Fuel Lines

    Posted by Mike B. on 6th Dec 2023

    Perfect, and Great Upgrade!!!

  • 5
    Great looking and well constructed fuel lines

    Posted by Steven Kaip on 17th Apr 2023

    Have not installed yet, but took everything out of the box and these things look well made and will well outlast my ownership of the car. Got the full kit with new banjos and newer design injector mounting.

  • 5
    Braided fuel line kit

    Posted by Andrew Ryder on 5th Aug 2022

    I looked at the options for lines after seeing a youtube video on fires. This is the only complete kit available. Not sure why others only replace some of the lines. The fittings are stainless and the braided cover is crimped beneath the sleeve for a clean look. Install wasn't as easy as I would have hoped. I broke a few banjo bolts in the fuel distributor and had to send it in for repair. Their tech help was reasonably quick. Less than an hour on emails. They don't like giving instructions over the phone and only give them in writing. In retrospect, I should have listed and purchased all of the options up front. They worked with me and gave the prorated discount for buying it all together. The line from the fuel filter is very hard to install. It's not a product issue but more of a design thing. Definitely recommend this upgrade.

  • 5
    Don't be that guy...

    Posted by DeLoreanTech on 16th Jul 2020

    ...with the stock fuel lines still installed! Don't risk a fire or even your life! Replace the original factory fuel lines immediately if you haven't already done so. FACT: The majority of DeLorean engine fires are caused by deterioration of the original 40+ year old factory fuel injection system hoses. You are running on borrowed time if you continue to use the original factory hoses. FACT there are a total of at least 13 fuel line hoses in the engine compartment that originally came with the car. It is highly recommended that all 13 be replaced with new state-of-the-art stainless steel braided fuel lines from DeLorean Industries. There is no excuse to delay. FACT: Replacement of the original fuel lines with safer, stainless braided lines will not impact your car's ability to be smog tested. Not even in California! FACT: The majority of fuel line sets cost under $450. A small investment for your car and your life! There is a great article in the latest issue of DeLorean World Magazine about the reality of DeLorean engine fires -- a 10-page in-depth article that is a must-read for all DeLorean owners and future owners. http://www.deloreanowners.org Contact them to purchase a back issue. DPI Fuel Line Installation Video: https://youtu.be/-a4LPTmwKmw

  • 5
    Fuel Lines

    Posted by Robert Keslar on 1st Jun 2020

    Having a car that had previously suffered fire damage from a leaking fuel line, I can assure you fuel line replacement is a must. This is a great kit that encompass all the required fuel lines and the clear stainless looks great! I would also recommend purchasing DPI's improved 90 degree fuel filter elbow at this time as well to save yourself any possible headaches upon reinstallation.

  • 5

    Posted by Rick Sanguinetti on 28th May 2020


  • 5
    Fuel lines

    Posted by David Eastty on 23rd Apr 2020

    Another great product. The fuel lines look fantastic and appear to be very well made. Installation was easier than I thought. Don’t put it off another day! Replace your worn out fuel lines with this great kit.

  • 5

    Posted by Mike on 25th Jul 2019

    Just got done installing these and they look and work great. Very straight forward. Tip** To make it easier on yourself, make sure you install the main line onto the distributor first, then onto the fuel filter second.

  • 5
    Great Fuel Lines!

    Posted by Ryan Foster on 31st Aug 2018

    If your fuel lines are Original I highly recommend replacing them. You don't want to have a fuel line break and leak fuel all over the engine.. that would equal a fire. These lines are great! They come with everything needed to replace the lines from the fuel filter to the fuel injectors. Ends swivel for a nice fitment too.

  • 5
    Fuel lines

    Posted by Christian Dietrich on 23rd Aug 2018

    If you're still driving around with any of the original fuel hoses on your car you are definitely living on borrowed time before there's a catastrophic failure that can result in a fire or worse. This is definitely one of the first upgrades that should ever be done on a DeLorean and I recommend these hoses as they are definitely built with high quality and fit and finish is spot-on and not only do they work really well but they also look good also! Been on my car now for the last 9 years with ZERO issues!