Delorean Industries restores, modifies and innovates existing Delorean automobiles. Delorean Industries is not sponsored, associated, approved, endorsed nor, in any way, affiliated with The Delorean Motor Company originally manufacturing automobiles or others currently advertising under expired trademarks. Products mentioned in this Website are the trademarks of their respective holders accept where noted as manufactured by Delorean Industries. Any mention of trademarked name or other mark is reference purpose only in the re-marketing of pre-owned/used units or for reference to make/model and should not be construed as contesting such trademark. Copyright / trademark infringements are not intended, or implied.
Despite our efforts to provide quality information, we do not claim, promise or guarantee that the content in this website is accurate, complete, or current, or that it is suitable for any purpose whatsoever. There may be technical inaccuracies or typographical or other errors or defects. From time to time and without notice, changes are made to the content of this website including the products and services described. You are responsible for verifying all content before you rely on it.
Links to or from other websites are provided for your convenience only. We are not affiliated with and do not authorize, sponsor or control such websites or their owners, creators or providers. We make no claims, promises or guarantees whatsoever with respect to any services, products, information, software or other content contained on the Internet. You are responsible for understanding the risks in retrieving, using, relying upon, or buying anything on the Internet.
All DeLorean Industries product limited warranties are extended to the original consumer only. This limited warranty is not assignable or otherwise transferable. There are no warranties that extend beyond those stated herein. DeLorean Industries offers no other warranties expressed or implied beyond this limited warranty.
Prices- Delorean Industries reserves the right to change prices without notice. All prices therefore are subject to change. Product availability is honored on a first come first serve bases.
Part Selection-We carry a complete line of selected parts to cover the entire spectrum of Delorean repair, restoration and performance upgrades. Due to the recent increase of substandard components manufactured by other vendors, components not manufactured or sourced by DeLorean Industries can not be installed. Note if poor quality components are already installed prior to service replacement will be required to achieve reliability prior to implementing our premium offerings.